How to Make White Sauce Utilizing Vegetable Broth. How to Make White Sauce Utilizing Water. Can You Make a White Sauce With Water As a substitute of Milk?. Can You Make a Roux With Water As a substitute of Milk?. Can You Use Creme Fraiche for Making Mac and Cheese As a substitute?. Can You Use Water As a substitute of Milk for Mac and Cheese?. What Else Can I Substitute For Milk in a Cheese Sauce?. Substituting Water for Milk in Cheese Sauce. Once you’ve got the basic operation down, experiment to your heart’s content with different cheeses, etc. If despite doing everything right you still end up with a thin sauce, you may have had extra water left in your pasta after the initial cooking, Check it carefully because water = watery sauce. The sauce will develop and get creamy as you stir. Stir well after adding the cheese and microwaving for the final 30-60 seconds. If you are grating your own cheese, you might experiment with adding a pinch of cornstarch to the milk and cheese. Pre-packaged finely shredded cheese made the creamiest thickest sauce. Set your mug on a small plate to catch any water overflow. Check carefully after the 4 minutes, and if there is still any water left in your mug, keep microwaving in short bursts until it is absorbed. Cook your noodles until all of the water has all been absorbed. Use a liquid measuring cup for the liquid, and a dry measuring cup for the solids. Measure carefully and accurately according to the recipe directions.Whole milk seems to work best, although feel free to use cream or half and half for a decadent treat.
Use elbow pasta, anything larger will not cook quickly enough. If yours is different you’ll have to tweak the timing. My microwave is a fairly standard 1000 watts. I have eaten SO much mac & cheese in the past few days of testing that I am totally sick of it, so now it’s your turn - Let me know in the comments is you try this, and what worked and didn’t work for you! Tips for making microwave macaroni and cheese ~